
What does your first date lipstick say about you?
Your lipstick could be the key to a second date, if that's what you choose.
What does your fragrance says about you?
Did you know that there a few major scent categories? In the past, women would choose a single perfume and use it as their signature scent, but as the times and our options have evolved, we can now choose our fragrance to suit our mood.
What Does Your Nail Polish Say About Your Personality?
Nail polish is one of those products beauty junkies hoard: It's inexpensive, a subtle way to wear trending colors, and easily applied and removed. But even if your nail polish collection is ginormous, there's probably one shade you reach for again and again. Read on to find out what your favorite nail polish color reveals about your personality.
What is Makeup For? A Wartime Story of Lipstick and Liberation
Does your beauty routine feel like a hassle? Remember that, in 1945, a delivery of red lipstick literally saved women's lives.
What Is Your Face Telling the World?
Your mother may have been right that you shouldn't jump to conclusions, but research suggests you're going to do so anyway. Here's what everyone's thinking.
What makes hair grow?
There’s no magic hair vitamin or hack that’ll give you Rapunzel-length hair overnight. The good news, though, is that if you feel like your hair isn’t growing fast enough, there are a few things you can do to help speed up the process a little.
What Oils Should I Put on My Face?
“Oily skin” sounds bad, right? Have no fear. Oil is good for the skin! These are the natural oils and butters that will do you good, even if you experience acne and clogged pores.
What serums should you use?
Why bother using a serum in the first place? You’ve got your cleanser, your moisturiser, your SPF and sometimes you even add a mask when you’re tired of the world and need some refreshment. So, what’s the deal?
What To Know About Caring For Your Skin In Your 30s
Now is the time to make sure the products you're using are still right for your skin, and it's also a great time to add additional products (like serums or eye creams) to your regimen for a serious boost in results. Here’s what you need to know about caring for your skin in your 30s.
Unleash The Goddess Within
In some ancient civilizations, removal of body hair was a sign of nobility and stature among women.