
Sun Kiss - we deliver Summer in a beauty box
Can’t wait, do you? Can't wait for the hot days, the bright sun, the hot afternoons and the chocolate tan. You just want to wear a light dress and sandals and dive into the summer!
Test: Are you healthy obsessed?
There’s a health craze going around right now… And we feel it might have gotten to us, too.
The 4 Best Coconut Oil Beauty Products
Coconut oil is having a moment. Supermodels like Gisele and Miranda Kerr swear by the stuff—and women everywhere are slathering it on (often straight outta the jar) everywhere. Here, the top coconut oil products we're cuckoo for.
The Difference Between Natural, Organic, and Chemical-Free Beauty Products
Feeling outraged or overwhelmed? Not to worry! With a little bit of know-how, it’s not at all difficult to discern the difference...
Lady Lya: Say hello to our new brand
Natural and organic makeup driven by results.
Makeup Tips for an Instant Face Lift
If your eyes are starting to look a little more tired or you find yourself googling plastic surgeons, it might be time to try some new makeup tricks. These tips may just turn back the clock - or at least save your day.
Manuka Honey skincare benefits
Manuka Honey is the flagship ingredient of the moment. Not only it is honey that has the highest anti-oxidant level but it also has many health and benefits.
Natural care with "Professor Herb"
We all want to look excellent, and while being obsessed with this thought, we buy many different products to provide the necessary care for our face, body, and hair. But how often do we think about the quality of the products we use every day?
Never Use These 6 Ingredients in DIY beauty
Some ingredients are safe for the body, but not for the face. Others are dangerous when exposed to sun, and yet more are best to be left to the professionals!
Organic Hair Care Ingredients: What to Look Out For
To help you navigate the waters of organic hair care products, we’ve put together a guide to which ingredients are safe, and which you should avoid at all costs. A good rule of thumb? The less you can pronounce the ingredient, the worse it is for you.