SKIN+ or the absolute bestsellers

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.“

Coco Chanel


We are not going to argue with the great Coco Chanel.


Not every woman can be Coco Chanel, not every woman can have her audacity, be decades ahead of her time, be an innovator and cross all boundaries to create masterpieces. However, every woman can overcome her own limitations, be bold and self-respecting, fight for her own happiness and believe that she deserves it. All this requires a will to change yourself and the strength to respect yourself regardless the circumstances.


Beauty is an expression of self-confidence, but also care. There is no beautiful woman who does not take care of herself. Beauty is purity, elegance and tenderness. There are many articles about beauty rituals, but not all of us have time to read all day, yet women who take responsibility for their own happiness are successful and therefore engaged. That's why Pick N Dazzle's experts made sure to select exclusive products in the new SKIN + limited edition box.


SKIN + because clean, beautiful facial skin is radiant and shiny and you can afford not to wear strong makeup to cover up imperfections. Some of the products are absolute bestsellers and we often receive comments from our customers about how much they like them. That’s why we tried to form a very good set with AVANT and ECOOKING products that would meet all highest requirements and are suitable for everyone.


Last but not least, it is extremely important to prepare your skin well for summer, because although it is our favorite season when we look the most beautiful and if we do not prepare our skin by cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing it, there is a chance the sun will leave unpleasant imprint on it.


Here's the special care we put in the SKIN + limited box:


The rejuvenating facial scrub



Winter and staying at home do not work well for anyone. The color of the face is pale with no freshness. Our whole expression radiates fatigue. The rejuvenating scrub aims to remove this fatigue from our face and reveal the freshness of our face. Glycolic acid gently exfoliates and smoothes the skin, which instantly improves, brightens and renews the skin. It aims to penetrate deep into the skin while treating fine lines, acne, blackheads and oiliness for a youthful appearance. Proline contributes to firmer, radiant skin and helps reduce the appearance of sagging, wrinkles and fine lines.


Revitalizing and firming mask

AVANT Harmonious Rose Quartz


Every lady needs jewelry, and why not jewelry with a pink quartz…. and we chose one for your skin as well. NEW PRODUCT, which has exceptional reviews from customers around the world. This unique mask aims to cleanse the pores, absorb impurities and limit excess sebum to leave you with balanced, healthy looking skin. Cleans in depth, removing toxins and impurities, naturally absorbing clogging oil. This mask aims to make the skin firmer, more elastic and younger, as it combines powerful ingredients, including rose, hyaluronic acid and sweet almond.

The rose works to remove dead cells to reveal soft, fresh and young skin. Its light-reflecting properties brighten delicate skin, soften imperfections and harmoniously enhance radiance.

Hyaluronic acid aims to penetrate deep into the skin to hydrate intensely and improve the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin.

Rich in vitamin E, sweet almond oil aims to keep your skin healthy while protecting it from UV damage and helping it look softer, radiant and firmer.

Night eye mask



It has probably happened to you to wake up with puffy eyes, dark circles and whatever you do, no matter how much makeup you put on things do not improve. Yes, we are not always in shape, and even after winter, when our complexion is very light, dark circles are sometimes more visible.

This product is an absolute bestseller and is sold out almost as soon as we receive it. It is enhanced with revolutionary ingredients specially formulated for the delicate eye area. Combining hyaluronic acid, shea butter and pullulan, this innovative night eye mask helps to decongest puffy eyes, bags and reduces fine lines and wrinkles, leaving the area around the eyes radiant and refreshed.

Hyaluronic acid aims to penetrate deep into the skin and hydrate intensely, while helping to improve the appearance of imperfections, fine lines, crow's feet and dark circles.

Shea butter acts as a emollient to keep your skin young and supple and aims to lighten and reduce imperfections around the eye area. Forming a transparent film that helps to temporarily improve the texture and appearance of the skin,

Pullulan seeks to immediately provide a tightening effect to the skin as it adheres to the skin. This is a MUST HAVE product for every lady.


AVANT Collagen Intense Radiance Activator Serum


Again a NEW PRODUCT, which we chose because of the very positive reviews from the brand. Once our skin is well cleansed, we need to activate its renewal and wake it up. Our collagen intensive serial activator serum contains radiant and light reflective ingredients that contribute to visibly radiant and healthy skin. The unique formula combines collagen and lecithin and other powerful active ingredients.

Collagen aims to work as an important building block for elasticity and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Rich in emollient, soothing and moisturizing properties, lecithin helps hydrate, replenish and restore the skin, making it excellent for revitalizing winter-dried skin.




Finally, we can not complete our beauty ritual without hydration and nourishment for 24 hours to make sure that our skin will not be thirsty. To do this, include more water in your menu. We know that sometimes you are in a hurry and forget, but drinking more water is one of the best things you can do for yourself.

We took care of the final touch with a face cream suitable for everyone, even for sensitive and young skin. It is extremely moisturizing and can be used as both a day and night cream. The 24-hour cream is filled with moisturizing ingredients that act for 24 hours. Contains trilagen, which increases moisture in the skin.


Freshness, freshness and even more freshness.


And don't forget that no matter what cosmetics you use, put on your smile in the morning and you will shine.

Pick your Beauty Box

The box of quality cosmetics personally curated for you. Over 500 000 delivered products, over 40 000 five-stars reviews.