5 Ways to Change Your Routine this Autumn

It's still early to bring out your comfy leggings, tea kettle, and that book on the art of Hygge.

But while it is still summer, the evenings are getting cooler, and the days shorter.

Conversations with friends are less about travel and more about work and school.

How should your beauty routine change so that your mind and body are ready for autumn?

1. Moisture is your friend. It is normal for skin to get dryer the colder it is.

As early as September, your skin can start to feel flaky, itchy, and stretched taut. Especially for those of us beyond our mid-20s.

Legs, knees, and elbows need more loving care. A rich lotion that seemed extravagant in the summer now brings pleasure and comfort.

Soon, it may even be time for a body oil that can restore extra dry skin.  

2. Makeup goes bolder. Summer means more subtle makeup for one simple reason: everything is in danger of melting. A cream shadow or matte lipstick takes extra courage to pull off.

Now that the leaves are turning brown and purple and red, colour is back on our faces, as well. It can be bright. It can be solid.

Open-air swimming pools are closed and the beach is far away, but, in makeup, we can have it all.

3.Perfume is back. Deeper, muskier scents that felt too decadent in August are welcome again in September.

The time is ripe for a change: go as deep as you want with scents such as sandalwood or bourbon.

4. That said, not everything is changing. You know which summer staple should be an autumn one, as well? SPF. That never gets out of season. Just ask the World Health Organization.

It’s a fact that solar radiation causes the skin to age, resulting in dark spots, freckles, and wrinkles, not to mention more serious health issues.

Make sure one of the products you use, at least on your face, has sufficiently high SPF. The Cocosolis natural sunscreen lotion is a good place to start.

You can feel good knowing you are doing the right thing for yourself and your health.

5. Seasonal food boosts your beauty and wellbeing. Need a break, but your vacation is over? Take a trip to the nearest farmers’ market.

You can marvel at the apples and pears, grapes bursting with flavor, and, soon enough, pumpkins and squash ready to roast and make into soups.

Woman picking purple grapes at a farmers' market

Remember that beauty starts from within. Fresh produce is not just for summer, and good food matters even more as we approach cold and flu season.

A healthy diet (plus enough sleep) will give you glowing skin. After that, your cleanser, moisturizer, and makeup will add that extra bit of polish you need to look wonderful.

Happy autumn! A box from Pick N Dazzle can set you off to a good start.

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